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New User Setup

Welcome to the New User Setup Guide! This guide walks you through how to set up your Trio app once you have installed it on your phone. If you still need to install the app, head to the Build Instructions and come back here when you are ready to start the setup process!

To set up your Trio app, touch the settings icon ⚙️ located on the bottom right of the main screen. Each step contains links to information on setting up each part of your Trio app. Use this as your home base to refer back to as you set up your app.

Step 1: Connect your Devices

The first step in setting up your Trio app is to connect your devices to the app.

Verify Compatibility

If you have not already, please verify that your devices are compatible:

  1. Phones/Watches
  2. Pumps
  3. CGMs

Connect Devices

Once you have verified that you are using compatible devices, you can connect them in the Trio app settings menu.

Devices Settings

  1. Pump
  2. CGM
  3. Watch (optional)

Step 2: Add Profile Settings

The next step is to enter your main profile settings: Basal, ISF, CR, and Target Glucose.


If you use mg/dL, you must first change the 'Glucose Units' before entering your profile settings.

This is found in the Trio Settings menu under 'Preferences'

  1. Basal
  2. Insulin Sensitivity Factor (ISF)
  3. Carb Ratio (CR)
  4. Set Target Glucose

Step 3: Adjust Safety Limits

The next step is to adjust the standard safety limits that will allow Trio to function effectively. There are many more settings that are not mentioned in this section. It is not advised to adjust those until you have familiarized yourself with the system by using it for a while.



It is essential that Trio have enough data to make sound recommendations. It is essential that your settings are tuned to be used in an Oref algorithm and you feel comfortable using the Trio app. It is not recommended to enable dynamic settings until ALL criteria below are met:

  • You are confident that your ISF, CR, and Basal Rates are tuned for use in the Oref algorithm
  • You have used Trio with a real CGM and real pump (not simulators) for the recommended minimum of 7 consecutive days
  • You are comfortable with the Trio app
  1. Recommended Bolus Percentage
  2. Max IOB
  3. Max COB
  4. Bolus Increment
  5. Enable SMB
  6. Enable UAM

Step 4: Enable Closed Loop

Closed loop functionality is turned off by default. This means Trio cannot make adjustments automatically. The system relies solely on you to make any recommended adjustments while Closed Loop is OFF. You can control your pump and bolus with the Trio app, but nothing can be done without your approval. This is often referred to as running an 'open loop.'

Enable Closed loop

More on closing the loop

Step 5: Change App Icon (Optional)

Under "App Icons" in the Settings Menu, you can find various icons for your Trio app.

Change App Icon

Have a special icon in mind?
You can use your own custom icon by following the instructions under Customizations.

Congratulations! You've completed the New User Setup for Trio!